The Renaissance

The Renaissance

The meaning of Renaissance is rebirth or reawakening.(1) It was considered to have begun in the 14th century through the recovery by Italian scholars of Greek and Roman classical literature.(2) The end of the Renaissance period came about from the economic decline of Italy and from being under a de-facto Spanish rule. This resulted in less money being spent on the arts and the artists and thinkers were unable to freely express their own ideas and opinions.(3)

Most of the great masters came during the High Renaissance; Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael. The High Renaissance was characterised as harmony, clarity, and repose.(4) Donatello is known as one of the only great masters from the Early Renaissance period. 

I think that art has a really important place in interior design. It influences emotion and brings life to spaces with their colours. Art isn't always just a pretty picture set up on a wall though. It's also the building blocks for architecture and interior design.
Filipo Brunelleschi was one of the first artists to link mathematical calculation with perspective. He is said by Antonio Manetti to have made a ground plan for the Church of Santo Spirito in Florence (1434-82) on the basis of which he produced a perspective drawing to show his clients how it would look after it was built.(5)


Emily Dufty


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